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Utilization Techniques

Based on the existing instructions, various techniques can be used for test execution, including: manual execution, execution until a breakpoint, and execution by pages.

Manual Execution

Manual execution is performed by manually executing the workflow after loading the tests into memory. This includes tasks such as resetting the processor and manually generating N clock pulses. The pseudo-code below illustrates this approach:

Get ID and check module functionality;

Write N positions from the accumulator;

Reset Core;

Send N CLK pulses;

Read memory position N.

# If more M CLK pulses are needed

Send N CLK pulses

Execution Until Breakpoint (UNTIL)

The infrastructure supports automatic test execution using the breakpoint technique. With this technique, after loading the tests into memory, you simply set a breakpoint and a timeout in clock cycles. With these parameters defined, you can send the instruction to execute until the breakpoint and wait for completion. The pseudo-code for this process is shown below:

Get ID and check module functionality;

Write N positions from the accumulator;

# Load breakpoint address

Define address N as the end of execution;

Set timeout;

Execute until breakpoint.

Execution by Pages

For executing multiple tests in sequence, a paging system can be used. In this system, tests are stored in fixed-size blocks, by default 256 positions, and the controller navigates through these blocks by controlling the most significant bits of the address. The operation is similar to execution until a breakpoint, but the process is repeated until all pages have been executed. The pseudo-code below illustrates this process:

Get ID and check module functionality;

Write N positions from the accumulator;

# Load breakpoint address - the address must be less than or equal to the maximum page address, by default 0xFF

Define address N as the end of execution;

Set timeout;

Execute tests in memory.

Data Flow

Data can be sent and read from memory in two ways: atomically (word by word) or in bulk, sending N words at once.

Atomic Loading

Atomic loading is performed by reading and writing data word by word. This method can be executed using the following instructions: "Write to memory position N", "Write N to accumulator position", "Read memory position N", and "Read accumulator position". When using immediate value instructions, you need to send the instruction M times to read or write M words. When using the accumulator, you need to set the accumulator pointer M times and execute the read and write instructions M times. Thus, using these instructions is more suitable for small modifications, such as reading a result or reading/writing one or two words in memory.

Bulk Loading

Bulk loading allows reading or writing M words using only one or two instructions. With this method, you only need to load the base address into the accumulator and use bulk read instructions to read or write M words. The bulk operation instructions are: "Read N positions from the accumulator" and "Write N positions from the accumulator".